Hannah loves to take pictures herself and this was a picture she chose to take, the sleeping bears! Not bad photography for a three year old!!!

Hannah loves to take pictures herself and this was a picture she chose to take, the sleeping bears! Not bad photography for a three year old!!!
Posted by Amy at 8:02 AM 1 comments
So I am just barely getting the hang of this blogging thing.
I don't even know if anyone looks at my blog but it is kinda fun to have.
Our lives are pretty much same-o same-o.
On laborday we spent most of the day well, laboring.
But I finally got the camp trailer out of my driveway and now I can park there.
Hannah was even more excited than I was.
She was so happy that she has more room to ride her bike!
She decided that she is big enough to ride her bike to the post office now,
SO she rides to the post office and I push her home , it's a good 1/2 mile ride round trip!
But it is a fun daily outing, we even went in the rain today!
Most the time we take the dog so our walks end up being runs but it's good exercise.
Well I can't get my camera to work so I won't do pictures today, but tommorrow we are heading to Saint Louis to go to the Temple and then the Zoo. I know this is bad she is almost four and never been to the zoo. We are all excited! Later!!!!
Posted by Amy at 1:26 PM 0 comments