If you have ever been to the midwest or lived here you know the differance between a thunderstorm and a THUNDERSTORM! And living in Tornando Alley our thunderstorms don't always come alone! In the last week we had three major thunderstorms. You know they are coming when it gets to be unbearably humid. Personally i love these storms. The power and intensity of thunderstorms amaze me. No matter how many thunderstorms I have experianced they never cease to amaze me. The lightning is so close and so bright and you can feel the electricity in the air and the thunder is so loud and strong that the whole house vibrates.
And the rain is coming down in sheets, And every time I have the stupid urge to go out and stand in the rain. And I married a man who enjoys them as much as I do. But Hannah doesn't share the same feelings. She thinks when she hears thunder that is her cue to pile everything in the hall closet and sit there with the radio till she can no longer hear any thunder. The other night we watched the thunderstorms role in ,and then reluctantly headed indoors to wait it out, the tornado sirens went off three times that night but we were blessed to miss all the tornados.