It is the new year and time for everyone to make new years resolutions.
I think mine have all been the same for the past five years, and I have come to realize that their are somethings that you can make as a resolution, and you can make happen, but their are other things that, no matter how hard you try for them, they are out of your control.
So this year no resolutions that I personally have no control over!
In fact, I have stolen some new years resolutions from friends! I hope they don't mind, but they were just too good to pass up!
My number one new years resolution is to develop a better relationship with my Heavenly Father, and my savior Jesus Christ. And the steps I need to take in order to achieve this resolution include, cutting down on other distractions in my life, like Facebook, and games on my phone. I will not totally ban myself but I have resolved that I cannot do either till i have picked up my scriptures and read them.
In church we were challenged to find five things we could do or change to have a better relationship with our savior, and so I am taking that challenge!
#1 I will more diligently read and ponder my scriptures.
#2 I will pray with more meaning and frequency.
#3 I will give service without judgement or question.
#4 I will be a better Visiting teacher
#5 I will make sure all I watch say or do is appropriate and conducive to having the spirit with me at all times.
My next new years resolution is to live in the moment, I have spent the last five years living either in the past or the future and in the mean time, I have missed the whole in between! I have been so focused on what I want or don't have that I have missed many wonderful opportunities of the here and now. So that is my second resolution.
But like all good things they always come in threes! so my third New Years resolution, is to learn to love me! I am forever striving to lose weight and get in shape, and I will always continue on this quest, but I am not making it my resolution. My resolution is to love me, as me, for me and because of me! I want to be comfortable with who I am, and I always thought and still do, if only I can be skinnier I will like myself, if only this or if only that. But what if "if only" never happens, then I will have let my whole life pass by without being all I truly could have been! This does not in any way shape or form mean I am giving up on anything, it just means I have decided to be happy with me wherever I am at the moment! happiness is the key to life. And God made me who I am and he loves me so why can't I love me? I Will Love me and be happy with me, for me and not because or for those around me! I know that my husband loves me for me, and I know my heavenly father loves me for me, so i will love me for me, and I know that this will be my hardest new years resolution, so bring it on! I am really stubborn, so that can work to my advantage!!! Happy New year! And when I say Happy, that's what it will be!!
15 years ago