Grandma And Grandpa Parry came to visit from Utah for a little while. We had alot of fun with them. We spent a day in Branson and we went miniature golfing. Hannah is great at cheating, but she fairly got a whole in one.
Grandma and Grandpa and justen and Hannah
The pro Golfers hard at work!
Almost a whole in one, just five more hits.

We really had fun with them and Hannah had a lot of fun getting to know grandma and grandpa better. She calls them grandma and grandpa don't mess around!
We really had fun with them and Hannah had a lot of fun getting to know grandma and grandpa better. She calls them grandma and grandpa don't mess around!
When they first got here I told her we were going to see her great grandma and grandpa, and she looked at me funny and said,"there still alive?" it was funny!
We are so glad we got to spend that time with them and hope it's not so long until we see them again.
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