I was reading in the scriptures today and i was drawn to a certain passage that I read , It said, "if god had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that i should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth, and if i should say it, it would be done."
That takes amazing faith.
Faith, it is a subject that has been at the forefront of my mind all week, and as i read this scripture, it all came together.
So I will rewind and tell you what brought this subject to my mind.
Sunday was stake conference, where all the many congregations in our area get together as one and have sunday meetings together and our local and area leaders teach us and instruct us! it happens every six months and it is fabulous.
This particular sunday we had my husbands sisters with us, and as we came into the building they were informed that a young couple in their congregation, had lost their three year old little boy that night to a seizure.
I didn't know this couple, i just knew of them. this was there only child so far and she was expecting another one, it was very sad and i felt very sorry for this couple, I don't know what that is like to lose a child and I hope i never have to find out, but i can only imagine the pain and heartache that would cause.
But as we were sitting there, waiting for the meeting to start, in walks this couple, and I was amazed, they had just lost a child, not even 24 hours before. they had every reason and excuse to not be there. no one expected it, no one even imagined that they would be there. But they were. and that spoke volumes to me, as i am sure it did to any one else who knew.
I watched them and I saw their faith, and their dedication, and it moved me to tears. They had just experienced something so traumatic and devestating, but they knew where they could find comfort and how they could find it, and that was being where the lord wanted them to be.
That day I felt so humbled to watch them, that took faith, that kind of faith i want the kind of faith, that job had, as I sat there i felt they were affirming the words of job, "The Lord giveth and the lord taketh, blessed be the name of the lord."
And it humbled me and made me feel ashamed that I didn't have that kind of faith.
They had the kind of faith that moves mountains, not literal mountains, but the mountains we place in our hearts and in our own lives.
That day their faith moved one of my mountains, and someday I want to have that kind of faith, so maybe i can help someone else move their mountain.
15 years ago
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