Blogging lost its fame when facebook became the fad, but facebook does not seem as personal and intimate as a blog. So i have vowed to blog at least once a month, not for anyone else, but for me. It has been a long time scince my last blog, but time certainly does fly by when you are having fun! We have made many memories and fought battles, and conquered many wars this past year! But there is not a better time of year to reflect on the past eleven months and realize how greatful i am for those past eleven months, and the people in my life that have influenced this last year! Life is wonderful, and I am so grateful to be alive, I am so grateful to be married to the most wonderful man on earth and be the mother of the most amazing daughter, who will be turning 7 in a month and a half! My life has had its ups and downs, but this month is the month of gratitude, so I am grateful for the ups in my life and for the lessons the downs have taught me. I am grateful, just truly grateful for everything!
15 years ago
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