I will have to admit, the holiday season is upon us and I am totally lacking in holiday spirit. Why? you may ask? well that is a very good question! A question I did not know the answer to till this morning. For me the holidays have become just another time of year, not much different from your tipical birthday, or anniversary. I do love decorating for Christmas but I love decorating for every holiday(much to my husbands dismay).
So my latest Christmas discovery came in the form of a phone call from my little sister. She is just recently married and learning the financial
struggles that come with life, especially scince they just signed on their first house, unexpectedly. So buying your first house can put a cramp on anyones budget, especially when the house needs repairs before you can move in. She is very excited but nervous, they close on the house two days after Christmas. Therefore they cannot afford any thing for christmas because they are putting everything into their house. Well last night my sister was having a very, woe is me moment( i have my own share of these moments)because she now could not afford to get her husband the "first christmas together," gift she had been wanting too.
Her husband came home from the bank with a tag off of the angel tree, and she began to scold him for it because they had just talked about no extra spending, he asked her to just read it, she proceeded to tell him they could not afford it, when he told her to just read it, so she did, and as she told me about it she cried and i cried, it was the tag of a five year old little boy, and all he wanted for christmas was clothes, just clothes, no toy or video game or bike , just clothes, i don't know a single five year old that wants just clothes, my six year old has a whole list of toys and books and games she wants, but she would never ask for clothes, why? because she has clothes. As she told me of this i was ever so grateful, as was she, for the great example, of my brother in law, there is always someone less fourtunate than us, who is in need this holiday season. and even when we feel we don't have much, there is always something to give.
So here is my challenge, to myself, and to all those who are lacking in CHRISTmas spirit, find Christ in CHRISTmas! we are lacking in holiday spirit because we dont truly know the meaning of CHRISTmas! it's not about what we can't give, or the money spent, it's not about getting the best gift or giving the best gift, it's not about what or who we can't be with this Christmas! it's about letting the light of Christ shine through us , in everything we do and say, it's about letting Christ back into our homes and our hearts. So my vow is to have a Christ centered Christmas, and to give my daughter the greatest gift I can possibly give, the light of christ! I know my savior lives, what comfort this sweet sentence gives! I am searching for my Christ centered christmas!
15 years ago
Very nice work Amy! Enjoyed reading some of your blogs! Keep it up!
I really like this. I just came to this realization today, as I have been in a woe is me state as well. Got some good ideas turning in my head and excited for the opportunity to cheer up others this christmas season :)
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