I have thought a lot about the Innkeeper today.
The man who told Mary and Joseph That he had no room for them at his inn.
I have often wondered how he felt after he found out that the savior of the world was born in a stable because he was to busy and didn't have any where for them.
And then today, this analogy really hit home. As I was walking through the store today, I looked around and in amazement wondered how we got so far from the true meaning of Christmas? when did we forget the whole reason we celebrate Christmas? How did we commercialize the birth of our savior, to include santa and elves and reindeer? When did we decide to spend our holiday season stressing over money and gifts and decorations? when did we all decide to be innkeepers? It was a very busy time of year for the innkeeper, his inn was filled to capacity, with travelers and family, he was so busy trying to please his guests that he sent the mother of our Savior away, he sent her to give birth to the savior of the world , in a stable, a place where animals lived and ate and slept. Are we not all innkeepers? I am very guilty of the innkeeper satus. I find myself so consumed with life, that I have not made room for the son of man, the prince of peace, the Son of God, My Savior. I have cast him to the stable, in hopes that I can get through this holiday season without breaking the bank. when really I should be more like the shepherds, they set everything aside to seek the son of god, they left there flocks in the fields, and came in search of the savior. How can I be a shepherd, and leave the Innkeeper status behind? I don't know all the answers, but I do know that trying is the first step, and so I am trying. I do not want to have the regrets that I am sure the Innkeeper had when he realized that he turned the savior of the world away.
So I ask myself, Am I the innkeeper? and the answer is yes, so I am striving to make room for the savior, in this , the season of his birth.
15 years ago
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