Three years ago I had the privilege of helping a sister in our ward do some yard work, she was battling cancer and couldn't do it herself. so we were weeding and mowing and cleaning up limbs. And she had a ton of iris's that kept multiplying till they were out of control. So she told me to take some home and plant them!
So i dug up four little small ones and put them in the truck and forgot about them for a week! when i remembered them i hurriedly planted them in the front flower bed and hoped they lived! I watered them occasionally, and when i fertilized the other plants i gave them what was left.
The first summer they grew a little, just six inch green shoots, they added greenery to my flower bed so i didn't worry about them much.
The next summer they grew a little more, maybe a foot tall, i was wondering when they would flower, i was concerned that i had done something wrong, but i was assured that i just needed to wait. I was anxious to see their beautiful flowers, but even more anxious when the beautiful lady that gave them to me, passed away due to her cancer.
This spring the green shoots got much taller, and they where wide and they had multiplied, i had contented myself with the fact that maybe they would never get flowers, but i was going to leave them there because i liked the green leaves of the plants, and they reminded me of sister Waters, and the simple beauty she brought into the lives of many people!
Well today my iris's bloomed! Three years of waiting, and just when i have given up, they bloomed! And they are beautiful white blossoms!
These flowers remind me, as do all things in my life, the same message, Patience! I have a quote on my wall that says "Faith in God includes, Faith in his timing" I live my life by this quote! and as i saw the blooms on my flowers that i had almost given up on i, was reminded that good things come to those who patiently wait! Thank you Sister Waters for the beautiful flowers that remind me of you and gods love!
15 years ago
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