"That isn't fair", those where the first words out of my 7 year old's mouth this morning when i told her that one of our dear friends had lost one of her triplets that she is 20 weeks pregnant with.
I think she voiced what i wanted to say but didn't. So i suggested we kneel and say a prayer for our friend and her husband and 2 other babies, and as we said the prayer, with tears running down both our cheeks, we asked heavenly father to comfort our friends, and to help them get through this.
After our prayer, i had the opportunity to explain to my daughter that Heavenly Father does things for a reason, and we may never know the reason, but he does, and that is all that matters.
And then she said, at least we know he is in heaven with his sister, but why do they have to die?
it turned into a very sweet conversation about how everyone needs a body, and maybe our friends babies where so special that all they needed where bodies and once they got their bodies heavenly father took them home to live with him. And then she asked, why did our friends have to lose 2 babies? and i told her i am not exactly sure, but Heavenly Father obliviously has a lot of trust in these individuals to give them the opportunity to be parents to 4 of his very special children. At this point she had stopped crying, and she gave me a hug, and said I love you mommy!
I am so incredibly sad for my friends, i have no idea what it feels like to lose a child, this is their 2nd in a year and a half, but i know they have taught me so much by watching them go through these incredibly hard trials. They are amazing individuals, and i have witnessed their great faith and trust in our Heavenly Father and his plan. I hope and pray that i never have to experience what they have, but if i do, i want to be just like them. I want the faith of Job. when I grow up I want to be just like them!!!! And as my 7 year old stated"it isn't fair" but i have come to learn that Life isn't fair, but it is worth every moment of joy or sadness, because everything we go through, "will give thee experience, and shall be for thy good".
15 years ago
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