So the holidays are over, and my life can resume to its normal, what ever that is.
But our celebrations for the season are not quite over yet!
Hannah's birthday is in the next couple of weeks and she is turning eight! i can't believe my little baby is turning eight! I am going through a whole range of new and weird emotions as her 8th birthday aproaches. She will be getting baptized! i am so excited for that but soo sad at the same time. Baptism marks a whole new milestone in her life, and it is so exciting, but it also means that my baby is growing up. She is getting older every day, and i always knew it woud be hard, but i never imagined it would be this hard. I am so grateful for her, she is an amazing little girl, she is so compassinate and loving, and stubborn(she had no choice in the stubborn part). she accepts any one without question, she is so fun and loves to play. I enjoy every moment i have with her, and i am so blessed and grateful to have her in my life, I have spent to much time dwelling on what i lack, that i feel i have missed out on not completely seeing the greatest gifts and blessings right in front of my face. Hannah is one of my greatest gifts and blessings, she teaches me daily that life is to short not to stop and enjoy what is around us, she is quick to smile, and to give a hug, I love her so much i just wish time didn't have to go by so fast! But i vow to take any time and opportunity i am given to play with and spend time with her. she is an amazing person with so much to offer. I just hope i can be the kind of mom that she deserves! I love you Hannah! Happy birthday!
15 years ago
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