So the middle of nowhere has officially taken on a new meaning for me!
We were invited to spend Thanksgiving with some members of our new ward!
It was a very nice relaxing Thanksgiving, and I had alot of fun getting to know new people.
But they live in the middle of no where! They live on a ranch in the middle of Nebraskas rolling hills! They run a portion of the church's cattle ranches called Rex Ranch! It took us about an hour to get there from our little portion of nowhere!
Talking to them and the other ranch formans and there wives that were present at our Thanksgiving feast, I feel very humbled to realize how convieniant life can really be, and how inconvieniant it can be for others! I was a little concerned when i learned that we would be an hour away from the closest Walmart, but these ladies live 2 1/2 hours from any big towns, including a Walmart!
But I also realize why they have chosen this solitary life! It is so much simpilar, it is less crazy, and you are surrounded daily by one of gods greatest creations! Nature! it is beautiful out there in its own kind of barren way! I was also very concerned when we moved here, for the lack of trees! coming from missouri, where there is no lack of trees, to Nebraska where a tumbleweed can blow for hours without finding any obstructions, is really a big deal! But I am learning to see the beauty without the trees! God truly created beauty in all things , it just takes some time and observation to find that beauty sometimes! So as I spent a very wonderful thanks giving in the middle of no where, I saw some great beauty out there, and I am very grateful on this Thanksgiving, to be living here, and to have my family with me, and to have wonderful ward members who are kind and generous enough to share their Thankgiving with us! Happy Thanksgiving!
15 years ago
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