So I should be sleeping, but sleep evades me as my mind won't stop!
Collins left for Nebraska today, I was told the first few days of him being gone would be easiest because it would be like he was only gone a little while, but if this first day is what you call easy, I am throwing in the towel and giving up now. Hannah has never not had her dad at home at night to tell her good night, and he is always there to wake her up in the mornings, it was rough saying goodbye, this will be the toughest month of our marriage yet.
And i never thought about it before, but having him here makes me feel so safe, and so I feel kinda vulnerable with him gone.
You never realize how much you depend on and count on some one till they are not there.
He is my partner, the other half of our team, and it stinks not having him here.
Now if I could only sleep without searching for him in the bed we will be good!
I love my husband and I am grateful for this new job, I am grateful for his sense of adventure, and for him pushing me out of my comfort zone. Just wishing he were here tonight!
15 years ago
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