So I did it! I found the motivation and strength from somewhere and we are officially moved! It was a long hard emotionally draining process, that I don't want to ever repeat without my husband again! I would have never made it through this move without the help and support from my parents and siblings! I have an awesome family that I will miss soo much! But I know this is where we are supposed to be! I don't know why we are here, but I learned long ago to never question why The Lord wants you to do something, he has his reasons, just do it and you will find out along the way! So I am here, and I have no idea what direction I need to go with my life now! I am jobless , and tomorrow Hannah starts school here! So I am once again searching for meaning and purpose in my day to day life, and hoping to find it soon! There is only so much I can do in a small apartment in Nebraska! So I am on the hunt! I am praying to find my place and purpose in life before I go crazy! But I guess searching is half the fun!!! Just ever so grateful to be together with my amazing husband once again!
15 years ago
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